About Us
The Vineyard Conservation Society is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to preserving the environment, character, and quality of life of Martha’s Vineyard through advocacy, education, and the protection of the Island’s land and water.
Member support is what makes our work possible. If you are not yet a member, please join today!

In addition to our broad membership base of year-round residents, seasonal residents, and visitors, VCS is guided by a diverse Board of Directors. Programs are executed by our small but dedicated professional staff. For more information, please contact us.

The Office Team
Samantha Look
Executive Director
Signe Benjamin
Director of Membership & Resource Development
Jeremy Houser
Director of Science & Policy
Zada Clarke
Director of Advocacy & Community Organizing
Board of Directors
Ewell Hopkins, President
Carolyn O’Brien, Vice President
Jennifer Blum, Treasurer (interim)
Jack Fruchtman, Clerk
Jeff Agnoli
Ollie Becker
Jonathan Cobb
Shelley Edmundson
Sarah Glazer
Abigail Higgins
Alexis Moreis
Juliet Mulinare
Clark Myers
Marc Rosenbaum
Jesse Ausubel, Science Adviser
Warren Woessner, Poet Laureate