Contact VCS
Phone: 508 693 9588
Postal Address:
Vineyard Conservation Society
Post Office Box 2189
Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Private parcel (UPS, etc.) deliveries: Wakeman Center, 57 David Ave., Vineyard Haven, MA 02568
Visiting us?
Come by and say hello! The VCS home office is at the Mary Wakeman Conservation Center, off Lambert’s Cove Road in Tisbury.

Directions: It can be a little tricky to find the first time, but with these directions you’ll be just fine! From down-Island: Take a right onto Lambert’s Cove Rd (the “lower entrance” for those familiar with the road). In about 1 mile there will be a series of three dirt roads on your left, Paula, David, Helen. Take Helen Ave. In about 500 ft, the road splits near a sign for VCS, Sheriffs Meadow Foundation, and Garden Club – head to the right to a little dirt parking area. Walk down the path to a wooden footbridge – that’s the Wakeman Center.